At 12:11 AM 3/3/2003, Lasse Jansson wrote:
Hi Michael,
This is exactly what I would like to achieve.
I understand the meaning of your pseudo code below, but alas I have not enough knowledge and skills to transform your pseudo code below into a working script.
Could you please provide a real example ?
You may want to look at the default script and add the "if (to me)" condition. The "if (to me)" condition can be implemented with 0_8_10 as a brute regexp search: if (search("(From|f).*"))
The upcoming release will have specific support to address this issues.
Lasse wrote:
Nils Ohlmeier writes:
A proxy can challenge Invites and Byes, but should not do this with external Invites to your local user. Otherwise your your user wouldn't be reachable from outside.
I implemented something much like this:
if (to me): if register
www_authorize or fail if not a valid register done if claiming to be "From" one of the domains I accept registrations for proxy_authorize done
if not to me (I'm relaying for a local phone to an external address)
proxy_authorize (once again, based on from address) done
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-- Jiri Kuthan