On Jan 05, 2011 at 14:29, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
i did some more debugging and wireshark shows that the 3.0 sr does not even try to send anything to the 3.1 sr over the tcp connection although netstat now tells at both hosts that the connection is established. instead sr 3.0 replies immediately after receiving invite from ua:
SIP/2.0 477 Unfortunately error on sending to next hop occurred (477/TM)
there is no related messages in syslog. perhaps tcp stack on 3.0 host has not got acks for earlier packets and just waits there.
The most likely candidates are: - blacklisted destination (due to some previous error). You could check it with sercmd dst_blacklist.view or dst_blacklist.debug. - some local firewall rules on the OUTPUT chain running out of memory (but it's strange that you don't get any log messages)
Did you disable the tcp async mode, or you get this in async mode?