Hi Samuel,
I have seen lots of default config files where in the reply route only after checking the message (client_nat_test(1)) fix_nated is called. Why is not called when the NAT flag is set upong lookup_XX?
because the Registrar module takes already care of setting everything up correctly when lookup() is being called.
In ser-oob I think the reply_route should include the case of a user called behind a NAT and the reply is not fixed due to some router in the middle. Will it hurt including fix_nated_contact in the case of checking the flag?
I'm not entriely sure that I get what mean/complain about. When I take a look at the latest ser-oo.cfg from CVS Head http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ser/sip_router/etc/ser-oob.cfg?rev... I see in the REPLY_ROUTE a nat_uac_test("12) call and a fix_nated_contact() call afterwards. So the Contact of the B (called) party should be fixed if he is located behind NAT.
Greetings Nils