Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
On 28.07.2009 13:51 Uhr, Martin Hoffmann wrote:
You could generalize this into only using the generic data value and wrap the other types into these. This requires makeing these generic data values in the script language somehow. For all this, you will need a somewhat more elaborate interface to the type than a free function.
it is an option, but I wanted to have it simple for common data types in the same time to allow dealing with more complex structures.
Agree. I was actually more thinking into the future and into a Grand Unified Variable kind of thing. Not sure if this should be a service provided by the core or some module. But should we agree that we want such a thing then it might be better to work on that instead of building an interims solution based on AVPs.
This is not to diminish your work in any way, I quite like the possibilities especially with the option for lists. It just may safe you same work that will eventually be superseded by something else.
Regards, Martin