Hi all,
Thanks for the responses. It seems that the ser part is covered well,
though i need also to monitor sems ... i could simply monitor by pid
or by sending some command via the fifo/unixsock and check the reply
... Anyone doing something like this?
On 12/13/05, Klaus Darilion <klaus.mailinglists(a)pernau.at> wrote:
Cesc wrote:
An easy one ... or two.
1 - I need to start up ser automatically on the boot of the machine
... i am sure there are scripts and instructions on how to do it. Any
When using debian packages (make deb) the startup scrtipts will be
installed automatically, and openser will be started at startup.
Otheriwse (on debain) just
cp packaging/debian/openser.init /etc/init.d/openser
maybe you have tomodify the path inisde the startup script to fit your
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/openser
update-rc.d openser defaults
2 - I need a way to monitor the status of ser (and
sems), so that in
case of a crash they are automatically killed and restarted. I thought
about writing some kind of cron thingy using serctl ... Again,
We montior using a cron job:
# passive check if SER is alive
*/5 * * * * /usr/lib/ser/checker
NETCOUNT=`netstat -antu | fgrep 5060 | fgrep | wc -l`
if [ $NETCOUNT -lt 2 ] ; then
echo "SER does not seem to listen on udp/tcp 5060. Restarting."
/etc/init.d/openser restart
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