Hello guys,
I'm listening on port 443 for tls and 5111 for tcp.
Client registers on 443 and makes a call over tls which kamailio forwards over tcp.
Because freeswitch doesn't support "sips" yet, when replies come back from freeswitch (which contact set as "sip:" i manually change that tp "sips:" for the client to not die with "SIPS Required".
Call is established and the client responds with ACK. At this point i need to change back the contact "sips:" to "sip:".
This is the route that changes it:
# This is freeswitch sending a message, so we change "sip:" to "sips:" xlog("L_ERR","[FIXCONTACT]: User-Agent is: $ua\n");
if( $ua =~ "^FreeSWITCH" ) { if( subst('/^(Contact:.*)sip:/\1sips:/') ) { xlog("L_ERR","[FIXCONTACT]: Method $rm Status $rs Changed contact coming from freeSWITCH from sip to sips [$ct]!\n"); } # Else it is the client, when change it back from "sips:" to "sip:" } else { if( subst("/^(Contact:.*)sips:/\1sip:/") ) { xlog("L_ERR","[FIXCONTACT]: Method $rm Status $rs Changed contact coming from CLIENT from sips to sip [$ct]!\n"); } } return; }
When kamailio is preparing to send out the ACK via TCP I'm seeing:
[forward.c:268]: get_send_socket2(): protocol/port mismatch
And I really don't know why it's doing this...
Help is appreciated!
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com phone: +34669448337 ᐧ