If it is eth0 of the same server, then is the kernel sending via
loopback interface at it detects the destination is itself.
You should paste here ngrep with the sip traffic from invite to bye in
order to give more hints about what is going wrong there.
On 8/28/13 3:09 PM, Marc Soda wrote:
I think I found my missing ACKs! Can anyone tell me
why they work be being sent to the loopback interface? The destination address is still
the external (eth0) IP.
Marc Soda, Sr. Systems Engineer
*CoreDial, LLC* |
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Office: (215) 297-4400 x203 | Fax: (215) 297-4401 | Email:
msoda(a)coredial.com <mailto:msoda@coredial.com>
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