Before sending this message I looked for an answer and found some options, two of them are followed:
1) SUBST function, sample listed here:
if (is_present_hf("User-Agent")) { remove_hf("User-Agent"); remove_hf("P-Asserted-Identity"); subst("/^From: ".+" (<sip: *[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ <at> .*>)/From: \1/ig"); subst("/^To: ".+" (<sip: *[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ <at> .*>)/To: \1/ig"); }
2-a) uac_replace:
if (from_uri=~"^sip:10804007@voip.mydomain") { xlog("L_ALERT", "TESTANDO - Original From is ($fu-$fn)\n"); # uac_replace_from("sip:031" . $fU . "@voip.mydomain"); uac_replace_from("Frota10804007","sip:03110804007@voip.mydomain"); xlog("L_ALERT", "TESTANDO - From changed to ($fu-$fn)\n"); };
OR :
2-b) uac _replace #2:
if (from_uri=~"^sip:10804007@.*") { xlog("L_ALERT", "Route 21 - Original from is ($fu-$fn)\n"); $avp(from)=$fu; # $avp(to)=$ru; # avp_pushto("$ru", "$avp(from)"); avp_subst("$avp(from)", "/(sip:)/sip:031/"); uac_replace_from("$avp(from)"); # xlog("L_ALERT", "Route 21 - From changed to ($fu-$fn)\n"); # avp_pushto("$ru", "$avp(to)"); }; } OR
Looks like uac_replace is safer then "subst" function, because it can be reverted, but I did not found a way to use concatenation or any other kind of string operation as a parameter for it. I don't want to start a discussion, I need only a few lines showing me how to change from_uri_from from "sip:108xxxx" to "sip:031108xxxx".
Thanks in advance,