2010/8/11 Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt@1und1.de
On Wednesday 11 August 2010, dotnetdub wrote:
I see this in every call setup..
CRITICAL: dialog [dlg_hash.c:591]: bogus event 6 in state 2 for dlg 0xaf933bd0 [3739:1530909163] with clid '5959362a340dfa7938cf52ae1ba4b9d7@my.proxy.com<mailto:
52ae1ba4b9d7@my.proxy.com>' and tags 'as5b636a8a' ''
I am running SIP-Router 3.01
Hi Brian,
this message is produced from a UA that sends and ACK to an dialog which is in the early state, which is invalid. We also see it from time to time in our logs because of some buggy UAs - its harmless.
If you see it in every call setup, then this is a but too much to my understanding, but maybe you could do some traces to get more informations about the SIP msg flow.
BTW, if you see some more "bogus event" with other event IDs in the logs, Timo did a bunch of fixes some time ago that should suppress most invalid messages.
Thanks Henning,
The same endpoint never causes our Kamailio 1.4.1 servers to generate this message. I have watched the SIP transactions and the ACK always seems to arrive at the correct point in the dialog. The endpoint is Asterisk 1.4.22.
Thanks, Brian