Thank you, Franz.
In fact I have the Open IMS and Open SER.5 installed on different servers. Maybe this is the problem. So I installed them both on the same server. So, I have on the same server: OpenIMS(4060), OpenSER1.3(:5067) and OpenSER(Kamailio1.5)(:5065). I don't understand any more: for the new kamailio I have 3 different messages: 600 busy everywhere; 403 forbidden to subscribe and 408 time out. I had done a test for seeing if I have the same thing as before with OpenSER1.3. So I changed the redirection server address in the OpenIMS so that it points to OpenSER 1.3. The firs time I registered it worked. I put here 2 screen shots which show that. After that, it does not work any more . I have the next errors in the terminal of UCTimsclient:
/*****************errors**************************************/ Error building presence.winfo subscribe refresh request. Refreshing presence subscription for buddy: sip:bruno@open-ims.test DID: 9 Error building subscription refresh Refreshing presence subscription for buddy: sip:alice@open-ims.test DID: 8 Error building subscription refresh Refreshing presence subscription for buddy: sip:loredana@open-ims.test DID: 10 Error building subscription refresh Refreshing subscription to winfo. Error building presence.winfo subscribe refresh request. /******************errors*********************************/
When I change so that OpenIMS points to the new kamailio, I have the error: 403, 408 and 600. There is also a Wireshark screenshot "kamailio" which show that.
I really don't know what to test here, any more.
-----Original Message----- From: Franz Edler [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 5:42 AM To: Luntras Loredana; 'Daniel-Constantin Mierla' Cc: Subject: RE: [Kamailio-Users] Using OpenSer as presence server,with OpenIMS and UCT client
Since then I've tried a lot of time, but it doesn't work any more. The error that I have right now is "Unresolvable destination (476/TM) (for SUBSCRIBE)" And the same for publish.
I guess - as the error message says - that the SUBSCRIBE request uses a target address (R-URI or Route header field) with an address which cannot be resolved by DNS. Without a trace-file I cannot say more.
The next question then would also bo: which of the involved network nodes causes the error?