Hello Hendrik,
What about VRRP for failover ?
SER1 (master) sip agents == || === Asterisk Farm==sip/pstn gateway SER2 (slave)
--- Hendrik Scholz hendrik.scholz@freenet-ag.de a écrit :
hgaillac-sip@yahoo.fr wrote:
Yes I know about snmp module. There is no way to monitor SER vi snmp !?
As others have noted SER does not directly support SNMP but you can easily enhance your snmpd to support it. You add serctl fifo commands using the snmp exec directive to monitor the number of users, transactions stuff, ... The meminfo patch (now included) is handy and you can directly pipe serctl fifo meminfo into SNMP and create nifty graphs.
sipsak comes in handy, i.e. sending an OPTIONS request and measuring a) if a response comes back and b) the time processing took.
Much better would be monitoring INVITE/REGISTER response behaviour since that usually requires a whole lot more interaction (radius, db, ..) on SER side.
-- freenet Cityline GmbH, Hamburger Chaussee 2-4, 24114 Kiel, Germany Phone: +49 (0)431 9020552, Fax: +49 (0)431 9020559 Internet: http://www.freenet.de, eMail: hendrik.scholz@freenet-ag.de
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