----- Original Message ----- From: "Mikko Lehto" mikko.lehto@setera.fi To: "Pan B. Christensen" pan@ibidium.no Cc: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 6:08 AM Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Bug in LDAP module?
Hi Pan
Do you have comment on the above patch by Daniel-Constantin? I plan to use ldap module soon and would like to hear if this issue you reported is now non existent.
-- Mikko
Unfortunately, I havn't been able to test it yet, and probably won't be for a long time.
The customer has gone into production, and they have a fairly complicated / non-standard installation. They didn't want to do a new compile at this time.
I did compile it on the new test rig, but I can't start that instance until the customer gets their PGSQL server for that rig up and running.
For now, I just made a workaround with a loop check which does the following: If LDAP lookup returns nothing, the call should not be to a voip user. My original code would then check the number database to see where the number should be routed (one of the old Nortel PBXes or to PSTN if not found). If the answer is VoIP, I would normally log a line about config error and terminate the call because this should not happen. I edited this so that if the X-LDAPLOOP header is not present, add it and do not change $rd. If the header is present, terminate the call.
$rU was changed in failure_route before attempting to call the LDAP lookup route (10). By not changing $rd in this scenario, the new INVITE will be sent to self. The new call (INVITE from Kamailio to Kamailio) will do LDAP lookup just fine. It's ugly, but it works.
Here's some code snippets:
route[10] { ... ldap_search("ldap://..."); } if ($retcode < 1) { switch ($retcode) { case -1: # no LDAP entry found route(11); return(1); ... }
route[11] { ... sql_query("data1","select ...", "num"); if ($dbr(num=>rows) > 0) { $avp(s:num_node)=$dbr(num=>[0,0]); if (isflagset(1)) { xlog("L_INFO", "ROUTE 11: Number lookup results for $rU: Node: $avp(s:num_node).\n"); } if $avp(s:num_node)=="VOIP" { # VOIP number not found in LDAP. This should not happen. - With new workaround for LDAP bug. if (is_present_hf("X-UIO-LDAPLOOP")) { xlog("L_WARN", "CONFIG ERROR: VOIP number still not found in LDAP after workaround. Hanging up.\n"); sl_send_reply("404", "Not found"); sql_result_free("num"); exit; } xlog("L_INFO", "VOIP number not in LDAP. LDAP bug? Relaying to self as workaround.\n"); append_hf("X-UIO-LDAPLOOP: 1\r\n"); } ... }
The idea is to send to self in this scenario, and when that new transaction (from self) is processed the driver will perform just fine.
With kind regards, Pan B. Christensen Senior technician Ibidium AS http://www.ibidium.no/