Could this module work in scenario like in case if the call is established and running, And one of the UA'a lost its connection and then reconnect and send a new register Could the call be continued ? Without sending new INVITE.. just like the whatsapp
On Mon, Jun 4, 2018, 2:47 PM Alfonso Pinto wrote:
Not sure if I understood correctly your problem, but that sounds a lot like forking the call as soon as another REGISTER comes in for the same AoR. In that case, it may be worth to have a look into TSILO module, it may help you in your case.
On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Abdoul Osséni wrote:
Hello group,
The call flow is:
useragent (TLS) -> Kamailio -> Sems Server.
During the establishment of a call (before the 200OK or during a retransmission of the 200OK issued by Sems Server via Kamailio), if a user agent (TCP) loses its connection (the user agent is on a mobile network for example or the network is not reliable.) and sends a "register" to Kamailio (same source IP address but a different source TCP port), is it possible for Kamailio to take into account this new TCP port with the function t_relay () ?
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