On 06.06.2013 10:33, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
it may be useful to add it in the faq or mini-howtos on the wiki, wherever you consider more appropriate:
Cheers, Daniel
On 6/4/13 6:54 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Finally I found it myself. For the records:
To address a certain header (regardless if headers are in a single line or in separate lines) use the @hf_value select. The trick is to load the textopsx module (this select used to be in ser's textops module). Note, header names must use '_' instead of '-'.
To delete or manipulate a certain header also use the functions from the textopsx module, e.g: remove_hf_value(). Note, here '-' is used for headers with '-'
For example, incoming message:
Record-Route: sip:;lr=on;nat=yes Record-Route: sip:;lr;transport=udp, sip:;lr;transport=udp
Dump all headers: xlog("$sel(@hf_value.Record_Route)");
Dump the first header: xlog("$sel(@hf_value.Record_Route[1])");
Dump the second last header: xlog("$sel(@hf_value.Record_Route[-2])");
Remove the last header: remove_hf_value("Record-Route[-1]"); or in above case: remove_hf_value("Record-Route[3]");
regards Klaus
On 04.06.2013 17:18, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Is there a simple way to:
- retrieve the RR headers (or Route/Contact ...) and to
- selectively remove them?
E.g. retrieve <2> and delete <3>
I do not want to care about the format, eg: Record-Route: <1>, <2>, <3> or Record-Route: <1> Record-Route: <2> Record-Route: <3>
Thanks Klaus
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