10 apr 2013 kl. 15:32 skrev Peter Dunkley peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com:
When using a non-outbound client like Jitsi you can keep-alive by getting it to re-REGISTER, OPTIONS ping, or '\r\n' frequently.
IMHO that is far better solution than having the server run timers and generate keep-alives.
On 10/04/13 13:53, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Who does keep-alive when outbound is used? If it is the client, then there still must be some tweaks in the server as the non-outbound client will not send keep-alive.
And we clearly know who supports outbound by the supported header.
Just noticed that Patton support half-outbound. One connection only (which of course limits failover) but the rest - keepalives and connection reuse.