On Wednesday 24 March 2010, false wrote:
i use kamailio sip proxy, its version is: [root@localhost kamailio]# /opt/sbin/kamctl fifo version Server:: kamailio (3.0.1 (i386/linux))
i use 2 xlite softphones to register to sip proxy and register successfull and use xlite make call to another xlite softphone and get 488 Not Accept Here all sip proxy, xlite softphones in the same LAN please help to fix in the sip proxy that doesnt check the SDP [..] ontent-Length: 0ull "SDP: Incompatible media format: no common codec."19-1--d87543-;rport=51020
Hello Ha,
the response code and this debug output indicates that the both xlites could somehow not agree to a common codec, and therefore are not able to communicate with with each other (i assume that you not generate this response in the kamailio somewhere). Take a closer look to the configuration of both xlite UAs.