Gentrice's kaiser schrieb:
The hard part is upper register . It means user auth information is stored in Broadsoft instead of your mysql DB.
If broadsoft supports "Path" then it should be easy by forwarding the REGISTER to broadsoft and adding a Path header. Further, save() (before or after forwarding) for NAT pinging.
If Path is not supported then it is more complicated (but doable). You have to save() the original contact and the public socket of the client. Further you have to rewrite the contact header before forwarding, so that the URI points to openser. Further, you have to put some identifier into the user part which will then be used to lookup the usrloc table. I think this can be done with raw DB queries.
regards klaus
I don't think it is a easy way to make openser to be a SBC to replace kagoor.
What model VF you running? VF-1000 or 3000, maybe I can find some 2nd box here... Now we use a B2BUA to be a SBC. If somebody know the way to solve this issue with openser, I am happy to see/study that.
在 2008/4/15 上午 12:43 時,Robert McNaught 寫到:
I believe it is just used for NAT traversal - I have no access to manuals. It is used in conjunction with Broadsoft to handle NAT traversal.
Do you have such a thing as an example config of how this may be achieved? I am reading through the core cookbook and have tried some different routing rules and tutorials online, however, am fumbling around in the dark and there is very little online.
I am OpenSER 1.2.3 using, mediaproxy (from AG-projects) and I believe I want the OpenSER server to save the location of endpoints in a DB so am loading I believe I also need to set it up to proxy each SIP message through to the application server and simply switch out the real public IP (stored in MySQL) of the endpoint when passing messages back.
Can you tell me whether I am on the right lines?
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Robert McNaught schrieb:
Has anyone replaced the functionality of a kagoor voiceflow session border controller with openser? and is it possible?
Depends on the feature. If you use it only for NAT traversal you can easily do it with openser.
regards klaus
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