never used nat_traversal module, but from the readme it looks that it has no relation with user location table -- it keeps records in a file for backup, maybe someone else that is using it can tell more.
What I use for such case is nathelper module, which is tied to usrloc for keepalives. So when a phone unregisters, there is no more keeplive to it.
Cheers, Daniel
On 1/18/12 1:42 PM, Reda Aouad wrote:
I am using the nat_keepalive function of the nat_traversal module, using the OPTIONS message, and my code is the following :
if (is_method("REGISTER")) nat_keepalive();
I see that Kamailio still sends OPTIONS packets even if the client unregisters itself. It stops later, but I don't know when exactly.
Is that a normal behaviour? What is the keepalive timeout? Why doesn't Kamailio remove the client from its keepalive list if it unregisters and is no more in the user location? And is there a way to remove a contact from the user location if it doesn't respond to keepalive packets?
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