2009/7/7 Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists@pernau.at:
If would be really great a rtpproxy function working for transaction (instead of working for each message). For example:
if (is_method("INVITE")) { tran_use_rtpproxy(FLAGS); }
In this case you can use mediaproxy or someone have to change the rtpproxy module to rely on dialog module to get information about session updates (as mediaproxy module does)
No, I don't want it based on dialog module (as Mediaproxy offers) since dialgo module has a great limitation: it doesn't handle the case in which various early-dialogs occur, and perhaps rtp/media-proxy is just required for natted branches. This is not possible with "engage_mediaproxy()" function.
What I mean is a *transaction* based function, so "tran_use_rtpproxy()" just should be invoked during initial INVITE request (not in responses, ACK or CANCEL), re-INVITE and BYE.