well, from the log it seems that I needed to add the 'tag' in the
from: header of my INVITE message. Having done that, the process has
gone a bit further. The final error message received at sipsak is "400
session description parsing failed". I went through the AmSdp.cpp file
from which this message is originating and there is a variable named
'discr' which seems to be causing trouble.
Cant proceed any further ..... :-(
Here is the latest SEMS log.
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:93): revents = 1
(24739) DEBUG: cacheMsg (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:186): recv-ed: <0.3
P-MsgFlags: 0
(24739) DEBUG: execute
(AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:127): req.method = <INVITE
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:128): req.user = <200
(24739) DEBUG: execute
(AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:129): req.domain =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:130): req.dstip = <
(24739) DEBUG: execute
(AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:131): req.port = <5070
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:132): req.r_uri =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:133): req.from_uri =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:134): req.from =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:135): req.to =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:136): req.callid =
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:137): req.from_tag =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:138): req.to_tag = <
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:141): cseq_str = <100
(24739) DEBUG: execute
(AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:147): cseq = <100>(100)
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:149): req.key =
(24739) DEBUG:
execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:150): req.route =
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:151): req.next_hop =
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:156): hdrs = <P-MsgFlags: 0
(24739) DEBUG: execute
(AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:161): body = <
(24739) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:172): Request OK: dispatch it!
(24739) DEBUG: getAnnounceFile (Announcement.cpp:79): trying
(24739) DEBUG: getAnnounceFile (Announcement.cpp:84): trying
(24739) DEBUG: setLocalTag (AmSession.cpp:205):
(24739) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24739) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:48): AmEventQueue: trying
to post event
(24739) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:56): AmEventQueue: event posted
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:93): revents = 0
(24739) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3073375136 is starting.
(24739) DEBUG: processEvents (AmEventQueue.cpp:69): before processing event
(24739) DEBUG: process (AmSession.cpp:425): AmSession::process
(24739) DEBUG: process (AmSession.cpp:429): Session received SIP Event
(24739) DEBUG: onSipRequest (AmSession.cpp:482): onSipRequest: method = INVITE
(24739) ERROR: parse_sdp_line_ex (AmSdp.cpp:471): parse_sdp_line :
unexpected end of text while looking for 'v'
(24739) ERROR: acceptAudio (AmSession.cpp:644): 400 session
description parsing failed
(24739) ERROR: onInvite (AmSession.cpp:595): 400 session description
parsing failed
(24739) DEBUG: init (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:231):
AmUnixCtrlInterface::init @ /tmp/47C553CA-477CD88A0001228E-B72FFBA0
(24739) DEBUG: write_to_socket (AmUtils.cpp:592): sending:
session description parsing failed
(24739) DEBUG: write_to_socket
(AmUtils.cpp:618): write to unix
socket: completed
(24739) DEBUG: cacheMsg (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:186): recv-ed: <200 Succeeded
(24739) DEBUG: processEvents
(AmEventQueue.cpp:71): event processed
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:300):
9787963-3319555348-76751(a) dlg.getUACTransPending() = 0
(24739) DEBUG: destroy (AmSession.cpp:350): AmSession::destroy()
(24739) DEBUG: stopAndQueue (AmSessionContainer.cpp:121): session
cleaner about to stop 44EA419D-477CD88A00011D39-B7FA16D0
(24739) DEBUG: stop (AmThread.cpp:144): Thread 3073375136 (3073375136)
calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up.
(24739) DEBUG: on_stop (AmSession.cpp:340): AmSession::on_stop()
(24739) DEBUG: clearAudio (AmSession.cpp:417): Audio cleared !!!
(24739) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:48): AmEventQueue: trying
to post event
(24739) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:56): AmEventQueue: event posted
(24739) DEBUG: stop (AmThread.cpp:159): Thread 3073375136 (3073375136)
finished detach.
(24739) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSessionContainer.cpp:148): session
stopped and queued for deletion (#sessions=0)
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:333): session is stopped.
(24739) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:77): Thread 3073375136 is ending.
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmSessionContainer.cpp:72): Session cleaner
starting its work
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmSessionContainer.cpp:86): session -1221592160
has been destroyed'
(24739) DEBUG: ~AmSipDialog (AmSipDialog.cpp:44): callid =
(24739) DEBUG: ~AmSipDialog (AmSipDialog.cpp:45): uac_trans.size() = 0
(24739) DEBUG: ~AmSipDialog (AmSipDialog.cpp:53): uas_trans.size() = 1
(24739) DEBUG: ~AmSipDialog (AmSipDialog.cpp:58): cseq = 100;
method = INVITE
(24739) DEBUG: run (AmSessionContainer.cpp:110): Session cleaner finished
On 1/3/08, frq ser <frq.ser(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply Stefan. Here is the
log from SEMS 0.10.0, which
> I just installed.
> This log is in two parts. The first one
(with a few lines missing from
> the top) is displayed when sems is started. The second part is
> displayed when I send the INVITE message.
> Thanks again for your help.
> Frq.
> SEMS-0.10.0 log (Part 1)