Hello Arek:
Is it possible to download this presentaiton from somewhere? I am
particularly interested in "few typical SER installation scenarios".
P.S. - pity I dont live nearby Brussels :((
On 2/26/06, Arek Bekiersz <sip(a)perceval.net> wrote:
I just returned from FOSDEM, held today at ULB Free University, Brussels.
It was a great event, helping to encourage growth of free software.
You could see many designers and developers working to make Open Source
I must say I "recharged my batteries", raising my spirit a little.
I joined SER presentation by Jan Janak, held at 14:00 at "Chavanne" room,
building "U".
Jan's appearance was recepted very warmly by audience.
Presentation was professional and it fitted well in schedule, still leaving
a lot of time for questions from the public.
I must say that new SER logo (the big "S") looked very good on the big
screen, during presentation.
Jan presented origins of SER project, overview of architecture and
functionality and also few typical SER installation scenarios. For those
knowing less about SER or willing to learn it was a best primer. He also
presented answers for frequent questions like "what SER is and what is not"
and what can be done to get additional functionalities.
There is a photograph attached to this letter. It's was taken with 3G phone
but you can still see Jan on the right, with one of his slides.
After SER there was Asterisk presentation and workshop, held by Mark Spencer
and his colleagues.
He's a great developer too and in addition he revealed his showman skills,
adding many jokes for the audience to laugh at. I was particularly disarmed
by funny voice prompts with Asterisk's IVR voice of Alice, although one
could found some them a little abrupt :-)
Arek Bekiersz
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