The usrloc function that locates a record by ruid takes in an aorhash value as an argument (and to get the aorhash value you need the AoR).
I suppose an alternative function that just needs ruid could be written - but it would be much less efficient as it would have to linearly search all records (unless an additional hash on ruid is added - and a DB index on it too).
I suppose you could write a new function that just
Peter Dunkley writes:
- Use a hash-table to store $ruid, $tU, and $td indexed on $si:$sp
- Then when event_route[websocket:closed] is called you can retrieve
the information from the hash table and call unregister(). Use the $tU and $td you have cached to construct the unregister() URI parameter.
why does unregister need $tU and $td params, because $ruid alone uniquely identifies the contact to be unregistered?
-- juha
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