Hello again. I have another question on this topic. My last configs: http://pastebin.ca/1689545 My logs: ftp://rtb.org.ua/tmp/kamailio_subscriptions5.ngrep ftp://rtb.org.ua/tmp/kamailio_subscriptions5.debug_n_ngrep
I generate REGISTER and SUBSCRIBEs by sipp, kamailio (compiled from git://git.sip-router.org/sip-router, branch kamailio_3.0, commit 9b482424cb8aff4050426033908e7e243f03ae83) answers 'ok' to everything, but i don't see subscriptions info in 'watchers'/'active_watchers' tables. Although i have "db_update_period"=1 for module "presence", so i supposed database table should be updated with subscriptions state changes.
Please explain me what is wrong in my configuration or expectations.