x-ser@sidell.org wrote:
What database tables and fields do I need to edit (manually) to add a local user? This would for a simple SIP telephone that does standard registrations. No fancy features.
The domain table has been mentioned. If you use ser-oob.cfg you also need to add an attribute named "digest_realm" for your domains to the domain_attrs table containing the string that should be used as realm for any digest authentication. Usually, this is set to the canonical domain name.
Next you need to add the mapping between URI and user ID in the uri table. Here, you need two extra bits in the flags field: DB_IS_TO (bit 3, with value 8) if you want to allow the use of the URI in incoming calls and DB_IS_FROM (bit 4, with value 16) if it should be possible to use it for outgoing calls.
Finally, you need to add credentials for registration and outgoing calls in the credentials table. This one may be a bit tricky, as you need to calculate the hash values in the ha1 and ha1b columns. I think there is a tool "gen_ha1" that helps you with that. Alternatively, you can leave the fields blank and instead set
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
in the config. In this case, SER is calculating those hashes on the fly.
Oh, wait. One fancy feature... How should I edit the database tables to cause all inbound calls to the user to be forwarded to a particular URI?
Do this by setting the attribute "fwd_always_target" to the URI either for the user in the user_attrs table or for the URI in the uri_attrs table.
Best regards, Martin