I would like to test the open xcap service. So i have installed the openser presence module 1.2 and also the openxcap package but it does not work properly. I have a few questions :
Where can I find an up to date installation documentation ?
How to make the link between the openser module and the openxcap package ?
I have the following errors, someone can help me ?
0(24573) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=bob , domain=open-ims.test returned no result 0(24573) PRESENCE: get_subs_dialog:The query for subscribtion for [user]= vno,[domain]= open-ims.test for [event]= presence.winfo returned no result 0(24573) PRESENCE:query_db_notify: Could not get subs_dialog from database 0(24573) PRESENCE:update_subscription:Could not send notify for presence.winfo 0(24573) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=vno , domain=open-ims.test returned no result 1(24574) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=alice , domain=open-ims.test returned no result 1(24574) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=vno , domain=open-ims.test returned no result 1(24574) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=bob , domain= open-ims.test returned no result