Right. The problem with the Refer is that not all UAs support it correctly (at least the last time I tried, which - I have to admit - was a year ago), and it might be tricky to account it correctly.
With the SEMS solution, there are two separate invites which are authenticated using the user you pass to the script, so it's easy to account it on OpenSER and it doesn't depend on the help of the UAs. But you have to set up SEMS, which adds another external dependency to your system, as Bogdan points out.
On the other hand, if you already use Asterisk, you can also use that one to implement click2dial (a quick google check shows there are some scripts available).
CSB wrote:
I currently use OpenSER and Asterisk and I can get the call set up using ctd.sh. The question I have relates to the accounting. Using the ctd.sh script is there a way to get the CDR records written from OpenSER? If I understand correctly, OpenSER drops out of the call signalling and will not receive any BYEs so accounting will be impossible; am I correct? Asterisk will record the calls but billing them appropriately using those records would be problematic (I think).
If using the SEMS option, am I correct in thinking that it would be possible to use the accounting records from OpenSER?
-----Original Message----- From: Andreas Granig [mailto:agranig@sipwise.com] Sent: Friday, 2 November 2007 1:08 a.m. To: CSB Cc: users@lists.openser.org Subject: Re: Set up two SIP to PSTN calls and then connect them
It's already included, see http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/sems/trunk/apps/click2dial/
CSB wrote:
Is there any update regarding the click2dial plugin that was planned to be introduced to the trunk?