in release 0.8.10 you can test that user 'ivan' registers himself as 'sip:ivan@', auth module contains check_to function that can do the test.
What you describe will be available in the upcoming release. I can send you a patch against 0.8.10 if you need the functionality promptly.
regards, Jan.
On 14-02 11:59, Ivan Vignola wrote:
Hi, thank you for your replies. I need be sure that user 'ivan', with password 'ivanpswd', registers himself typing 'sip:ivan.vignola@' and not typing 'silvio.berlusconi@'.
From: Jiri Kuthan jiri@iptel.org To: "Ivan Vignola" ivanvignola@hotmail.com, serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: Re: [Serusers] User permission question. Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:45:37 +0100
I'm not sure what it means "authenticate by his uri". There are quite many URIs in each request, which BTW have very low security value. Can you give more details?
At 10:29 AM 2/14/2003, Ivan Vignola wrote:
in my tests user can authenticate himself using user_id, password and any
sip uri. I need user authenticating himself only by his associated uri. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Ivan Vignola.
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