Hello everyone!
Im changing platforms and I have problem compiling ser for my new arch. I now have em64t servers with rh es.
Actually the problem is compiling ser with mysql module.
- Mysql em64t rpm installed from mysql site.
- ser 0.9.4 sourcetree.
When i compile everything works ok. But making mysql module fails. It complains about some relocation problem between 32 and 64 bit libs. I cant understand this since mysql is em64 version and so is ser. Off course bin version of ser does not work too. Here mysql.o complains about not finding mysqlclient.so, allthough it is there.. :-/ Anyone had luck with this? Probably some makefile tweaking to get it to use correct libs or something since this sweet rh has lib64 and some lib stuff cinfusing both me and ld :-)
Would appriciate help!
Thomas Nilsen