2011/6/6 Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc(a)aliax.net>et>:
2011/6/6 Henning Westerholt
We use the userblacklist module for this, it
works with the same
longest prefix match logic as cr.
Ops, I missed that module :)
I'll take a look to it. Thanks.
It's not valid for my custom case as I need a function returning an id
of the matched groups. This is, I have various geo-zone groups:
1: Europe (prefixes of Europe)
2: North America (prefixes of North America)
Each client has a boolean field to set permission for calls to each geo-zones.
So I think it's better for me to use dialplan module and return the
geo-zone id in the "attrs" AVP.
Iñaki Baz Castillo