When we enter to Serweb it displays the users view, then we click in the accounting option and it displays the message "No calls", although users have accounting information indeed, the acc table contains accounting data of users. Ser is configured with the Accounting provided by Ser itself (not by Radius).
We had done some debuging and found that the reason why it is not displaying any information is because the sql query (in method.get_acc_entires.php) does not match with the information in the DB, especificaly in the where section of sql query the domain field doesn't match. The application is expecting to find in domain field the IP where SER is running and the DB has in domain field the IP of caller's PC. Why SER is storing the IP of the caller in the domain field? is this correct? if so, why the query is expecting the SER IP in that field instead? How can we fix this?
Thank you in advance
Best regards, Alex
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