On 2/9/11 2:19 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
I've seen the problem in a postgres module (SER-, if the connection fails and module tries to reparse url it fails as CON_SQLURL(_h) is corrupted by the function aug_free() after some reconnect attempts . When the postgres database back to work, some modules doesn't get reconnect because the db_url is corrupted. Why this is happening? There are some solution for this problem?
ser is soooo old and I cannot fully remember, but I think postgres module had no reconnect functionality at all by that time.
However, version 3.1.x of SER (as well as Kamailio flavour) has db reconnect functionality for postgres. You can try it and report if something is not working, it will be fixed in 3.x, but I think nobody is still developing on 0.8.x to backport anything there.
Cheers, Daniel