19 apr 2013 kl. 14:26 skrev "Victor V. Kustov" coyote@bks.tv:
В Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:55:37 +0200 "Olle E. Johansson" oej@edvina.net пишет:
Please tell me what's missing from that page and I'll update. I don't see anything missing myself, but I could be documentation-blind, having spent so much time with it.
What is $avp? What is $var?
These two are clearly answered
Whats the difference between that things? When I need use $avp? When I need use $var?
These needs to be worked on.
Blackhole: concept model. Look, I spent more than month and make too little, 'cause two things: no concept model + megatons of outdated examples.
More than month. Any other system already would work. For example freeswitch. But I believe than Kamailio - has higher potential. Make less level of occurrence. Write good documentation. Existing is catastrophically incomplete.
Main question "How it work?" had partially answer for modules and no answer at all on whole system.
OK, thanks for the feedback! Very useful.
We will certainly look into this. There are trainings, but no books and very few guides on the web. Please feel free to contribute, after all it is Open Source and we depend on community contributions in order to get documentation written.
Have a great weekend. /O