On 11/04/08 17:05, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
Hello All!
2008/11/4, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
There is a meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, on Nov 10, 2008, hosted by 1&1, where the developers and community members have the chance to discuss and tune the last aspects of the new project. We are looking to see many of you there: http://sip-router.org/index.php/meeting/
Please make announces about such events earlier.
I apologize for this short term, indeed. It was practically impossible to find a better day, due to travelings and IETF in the middle. It is why we tried to announced as soon as possible once the date was clear. Sometimes we just have to do it to happen, also not all devels can make it, even they are EU.
There will be further meetings, this is the kick start, I am looking forward for the first release including all features from both projects, a solid and performant core -- that could be a good party meeting...
Cheers, Daniel
It takes about 7 working days to make a EU visa in Russia, and if some russian fellow (not me, in particular) interested in visiting this meeting, he definitely would like to know exact dates in two weeks before the event.
We hope this is a great news for you
Great news, indeed!