Now it sounds like there is some bit of code that is getting skipped or doesn't work right when you use rtpproxy in the mode with two interfaces like I am. Is anybody else using that mode?
No, we have never tried that mode. Maybe you could setup a test system with only one NIC card and compare the behavior of rtpproxy.
Maybe the reason no one else is seeing the audio issue is because they only use one interface and the code path is different.
So, something in this "if" didn't allow the pre-fill to occur:
if (spa->untrusted_addr == 0 && !(spa->addr[pidx] != NULL && SA_LEN(ia[0]) == SA_LEN(spa->addr[pidx]) && memcmp(ia[0], spa->addr[pidx], SA_LEN(ia[0])) == 0)) {
I'll add some additional debugging later and see if I can spot which of those conditions is the guilty party or parties.
That looks like the right section to debug.