On 06/12/2009 02:07 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2009/6/12 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
Hello Inaki,
On 06/11/2009 02:40 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
Hi all, I've created a Munin plugin to monitor the number of dialogs in Kamailio: http://dev.sipdoc.net/wiki/sip-stuff/KamailioMuninPlugin
Hope it's useful. Suggestions are welcome.
thanks, looks good. Seems to be straightforward to add other graphs.
Which other graphs would you suggest? Note that it must be a realtime value (most of the statistics reported by "fifo get_statistics" are the absolute value instead of realtime value).
used shared memory, active transactions could be some examples.
Maybe ability to use it over net (mi_datagram) would be interesting.
However, usuarlly munin-node runs on each monitored host since existing plugins require to run in localhost (cpu, mem, disk, process...).
ok, I understand, I haven't used munin so far.
Cheers, Daniel