Dear Sir,
Ya i have activated WITH_ACCDB in kamailio cfg file. Siremis is configured to kamailio DB properly as i am getting accounting list in the siremis GUI well, but only the CDR data is not getting reflecting in GUI.
But this CDR data is successfully logging into syslog (see the paragraph below), but my requirement is to get the CDR data to be reflect in my GUI.
Here below is the CDR data that logged into syslog:
Aug 3 17:36:25 kamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[12391]: INFO: acc [acc.c:275]: acc_log_request(): ACC: transaction answered: timestamp=1375531585;method=INVITE;from_tag=170287292812;to_tag=373699520912;call_id=6595ee13-bfec-15a7-ae-4b-00210705d550@;code=200;reason=OK;src=;dst= Aug 3 17:36:25 kamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[12393]: INFO: acc [acc.c:275]: acc_log_request(): ACC: request acknowledged: timestamp=1375531585;method=ACK;from_tag=170287292812;to_tag=373699520912;call_id=6595ee13-bfec-15a7-ae-4b-00210705d550@;code=200;reason=OK;src=;dst= Aug 3 17:36:29 kamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[12391]: INFO: acc [acc_cdr.c:192]: write_cdr(): st=1375531585.654; et=1375531588.863; duration=3.209; src_user=102; src_domain=; src_ip=; dst_ouser=101; dst_user=101; dst_domain=
And my kamailio.cfg script relating to CDR's is like this:
/* enhanced DB accounting */ #!ifdef WITH_ACCDB modparam("acc", "db_flag", FLT_ACCDB) /* FLT_ACCDB is 2 */ modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", FLT_ACCMISSED) /* FLT_ACCMISSED is 3 */ modparam("acc", "db_url", mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@kamailio/kamailio) #modparam("acc", "db_extra","src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;""dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user= $rU;dst_domain=$rd;""duration=$DLG_lifetime") #modparam("acc", "db_extra","${cdr_extra}") modparam("acc", "db_extra","src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;""dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user= $rU;dst_domain=$rd") modparam("acc", "db_table_acc", "acc") #modparam("acc", "db_table_acc", "acc_$time(year)_$time(mon)") modparam("acc", "db_table_missed_calls", "missed_calls") modparam("acc", "acc_method_column", "method") modparam("acc", "acc_from_tag_column", "from_tag") modparam("acc", "acc_to_tag_column", "to_tag") modparam("acc", "acc_callid_column", "callid") modparam("acc", "acc_sip_code_column", "sip_code") modparam("acc", "acc_sip_reason_column", "sip_reason") modparam("acc", "acc_time_column", "time") modparam("acc", "db_insert_mode", 0) #!endif
# -------- for siremis CDRs ----------- modparam("acc", "cdr_enable", 1) modparam("acc", "cdr_start_on_confirmed", 1) modparam("acc", "cdr_facility", "LOG_DAEMON") #modparam("acc", "cdr_extra", "c1=$dlg_var(caller);c2=$dlg_var(callee)") modparam("acc", "cdr_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;""dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd") modparam("acc", "cdr_start_id", "st") modparam("acc", "cdr_end_id", "et") modparam("acc", "cdr_duration_id", "duration") . modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=cdr;interval=300;mode=1;") modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=cdr;route=2") modparam("sqlops", "sqlcon", "ca=>mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio") modparam("sqlops", "sqlres", "ra") . . # Populate CDRs Table of Siremis route[2] { sql_query("ca","call kamailio_cdrs()","ra"); }
Can u guess where i am wrong ? how can i solve this issue ?
And for your notice, in acc module document it is said like this: 'Note that CDR generation does not involve any kind of database storage (yet). In order to persist the CDRs into a database you will have to set up an exterior process (i.e., a script living outside of Kamailio) and implement the storage task yourself'. What does it mean ? of course 'cdrs' table in kamailio database is empty.
Regards, Nandini.
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