Hi all
I'm trying to make kamailio not to insert a row in missed_calls table when reply code is 407. But even if I set the "failed_filter" modparam the 407 row is inserted.
The acc mmodparams are:
modparam("acc", "db_table_acc", "kam_acc") modparam("acc", "db_flag", FLT_ACC) modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", FLT_ACC_MISS) modparam("acc", "db_url",DBURL) modparam("acc", "db_insert_mode", 1) modparam("acc", "time_mode", 2) modparam("acc", "time_attr", "time_hires") modparam("acc", "failed_filter", "401,407") modparam("acc", "db_extra", "whatever"
db is mysql. Kamailio version is 5.7.4
When I send a call that receives a 407 and after auth a 480 y get both rows in missed_calls table.
DEBUG: acc [acc_mod.c:404]: mod_init(): acc db table initialized to: kam_acc
DEBUG: acc [acc_mod.c:362]: parse_failed_filter(): failed_filter 0 = 401
DEBUG: acc [acc_mod.c:362]: parse_failed_filter(): failed_filter 1 = 407
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:721]: tmcb_func(): acc callback called for t(0x7f7cec807480) event type 512, reply code 407
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:443]: should_acc_reply(): probing acc state - code: 407 flags: 0x220
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:449]: should_acc_reply(): failed acc is off
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:721]: tmcb_func(): acc callback called for t(0x7f7cebf59bc0) event type 512, reply code 486
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:443]: should_acc_reply(): probing acc state - code: 486 flags: 0x220
DEBUG: acc [acc_logic.c:449]: should_acc_reply(): failed acc is off
am I configuring this wrong?