El Tuesday 22 April 2008 15:32:34 Antoine Fressancourt escribió:
So here are my questions :
- How can I tell OpenSER to relay the message to B using TCP ?
You must add "transport=tcp" parameter to the RURI. There is a function to add parameters to the ruri.
- Do I have something particular to do while registering to tell
OpenSER that the client is listening in UDP and TCP ?
If a client registers using TCP it has "transport=tcp" in the REGISTER "Contact" header: sip:user@;transport=tcp
So you could add this parameter to "Contact" header before save it in location table.
But I've a doubt: when client is behind NAT the "received" column stored in "location" table is: sip:user@PUBLIC_IP;transport=tcp
So I assume that it's neccesary to add also here the "transport=tcp" parameter but have no idea of how to do it. Suggestions? is it necessary or is it enought with the "transport=tcp" in "contact" field?