MSRP AUTH requests must be authenticated using HTTP Digest authentication. Part of the concatenated data when doing this authentication is the method name. Because of the way MSRP requests are formatted, the part of the request-line that would contain the method name in HTTP or SIP requests is always MSRP. The MSRP method name (AUTH in this case) is at the end of the request-line. When Kamailio converts an MSRP request to SIP it has a method name of MSRP.
This means that when Kamailio authenticates an MSRP request it uses "MSRP" as the method name, not the actual MSRP method name (AUTH).
Is this correct?
Should MSRP requests be authenticated with a method name of "MSRP" (which kind-of makes sense as this is the string at the start of the MSRP request line - which is where the method names are in HTTP and SIP) or should the MSRP method name of "AUTH" be used?
If it is the later, does anyone know of an easy way to add this to Kamailio?