just glad of being useful
Thanks for your feedback!
One last question: subscriptions are stored on the SER DB? I have <modparam("rls", "db_mode", 1)> on the config file
On 5/10/06, Vaclav Kubart vaclav.kubart@iptel.org wrote:
I was missing line lookup_user("To");
It was missing in the presence handbook too - it will be corrected in next version.
Shouldn't the resource list of subscriptions be stored on the SER DB? Because I'm getting that Waning all the time and I can't find any entry related with subscriptions (table rls_subscription, ...)
No DB is not problem there. I will correct it in CVS - this warning will not be displayed if parameter will be "0".
I have captured SIP and HTTP packets with Ethereal, sending file..
(It doesn't include packets changed between SER and apache because they
on the same machine and I don't have access to it right now) SER and apache on SIP domain = itav140.av.it.pt eyeBeam sip:4004@ and <sip:4002@ > After register, client <sip:4002@ sip:4002@> changes his status to Away (packet 53) sip:4004 receives the new presence status of sip:4002 (packet 55 and
But when sip:4002 renew his PUBLISH (packet 79) he doesn't include a message body with his presence state. So, the subsequent NOTIFY received by sip:4004 (packet 85) doesn't
the presence status Away any more, even thou sip:4002 hasn't changed
status. After that, the client sip:4004 shows sip:4002 as Available, when he
Bingo! You have found a bug in SER - thanks! I have read it in RFC now, and in the case of empty body needs the state be refreshed, not cleared as was done. I will correct it soon.