I just did a fresh from git install of kamailio and a fresh install of Siremis. Everything seemed to go fine until Siremis gets to the initial login.
When I try to login I get a popup window labeled Debug Window with the following contents:
System Internal Error
The detailed error message are below: [2013-12-01 00:14:08 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this script: Error message: #256, Cannot find the class with name as service. Script name and line number of error: /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/ObjectFactory.php:157
function: errorHandler ( 256, "Cannot find the class with name as service.", "/var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/ObjectFactory.php", 157, Array(12) ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/sysheader.inc 117 function: userErrorHandler ( 256, "Cannot find the class with name as service.", "/var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/ObjectFactory.php", 157, Array(12) ) @ function: trigger_error ( "Cannot find the class with name as service.", 256 ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/ObjectFactory.php 157 function: constructObject ( "service.securityService" ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/ObjectFactory.php 56 function: getObject ( "service.securityService", 0 ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 252 function: getObject ( "service.securityService", 0 ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 241 function: getService ( "service.securityService" ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 57 function: processSecurityFilters ( ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 31 function: include_once ( "/var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php" ) @ /var/www/admin/siremis-4.0.0/siremis/bin/controller.php 6 Please ask system administrator for help...
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Please wait a while ... ----------------- Any suggestions on what might be causing this? I'm not sure where to start looking.
Mark II