On Monday 07 July 2008, Michael Young wrote:
I just yum updated a CentOS box to 5.2 (kernel 2.6.18-92.1.1, i386), and now openserctl start no longer works. When I try it, I get this in the messages file:
Jun 27 08:44:49 proxy1 openser: CRITICAL:core:shm_getmem: could not attach shared memory segment: Invalid argument
Jun 27 08:44:49 proxy1 openser: CRITICAL:core:init_shm_mallocs: could not initialize shared memory pool, exiting...
I can start openser with /usr/local/sbin/openser, and it starts fine. The openserctlrc file is the same as it is on each server I have, it works everywhere else. I try turning up logging, turning on debug, and I get nothing but those two lines in the log.
Any ideas? Where do I start to troubleshoot this?
Hi Michael,
please don't hijack an existing mail thread for your questions, use a new one instead.
This error message could indicate that the server requested to much memory if started from this script. Perhaps the new kernel setup a smaller limit for the SHMMAX parameter? The reason that it works with the init script could be that this starts the server with fewer shared memory. Try to decrease the shared memory pool setting for openser.