On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 06:08:47PM +0100, Jean Sigue wrote:
After compiling the pre-release 0.10 , I still have the serctl not ser_ctl. How do i fix it
It is correct. Utility of name 'serctl' which is part of ser code tree is different utility from ser_ctl.
Ser_ctl (and another ser_*) utility is separate module of name 'serctl' on sip_router CVS: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser co serctl
-- hallik
Jean R. Sigue Senior Network Engineer CCNP, CSS1, NSA OMX Global Services USA Direct: 1 908-673-6004 Mobile: (917-257-9742) Fax: 1 908-673-6057 Visiting address: 2 Connell Drive Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 http://www.omxgroup.com/www.omxgroup.com
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