On 03/03/2015 12:32 PM, Jayanth Acharya wrote:
Would Kamilio also take care to send out the ACK to end the trasaction with B-party, and continue the relayed transaction with C-party ?
Indeed it will.
Is this, in effect same as serial forking ?
It is not only in effect the same as serial forking, but is, in fact, exactly serial forking. The only way that a proxy can call B and then call C is to create another branch ("fork"). :-)
The different 'branch' IDs you'll see in the Via headers on the outgoing INVITEs from Kamailio will reflect that fact.
Apologies for questions that are perhaps more to do with SIP, than Kamilio itself.
No need to apologise. The two are closely intertwined, because Kamailio's domain-specific route script language is closely aligned with the SIP transactional state machine. Ergo, much of learning to use Kamailio involves learning SIP.