Roberto Hiribarne Guedes wrote:
I configured serweb very well, but when I can't login any valid user ... Neither in admin pages ... It says its an invalid user ..
The register pages works until the confirmation ... With this error ...
Warning: fopen("/tmp/ser_fifo", "w") - Permission denied in /var/www/html/functions.php on line 206 User Management
sorry -- cannot open write fifo
The user "apache" cant read/write to rhe fifo by default. So just make a new group "ser" or "ser_fifo", add the user apache to this group and make a "chgrp <my_group_name> /tmp/ser_fifo; chmod g+rw /tmp/ser_fifo".
My /etc/init.d/ser script doesn't work at boot time ... So a run it by hand ...
Do I have to run it as another user .. (a ser user for example ?)
No, startup scripts are run by root which should be suffiecient to start ser :)
Maybe the path to the required scipts is missing in the init.d/ser script. Put a "export PATH=$PATH:<path to where your ser stuff is>" into the init script or only use absolute path names for every prog like "/usr/local/sbin/serctl".
My apache is running under the apache user ... What abaut the permissions of /tmp/ser_fifo ...
See above.
:: Arnd ::