I was looking at the pua_reginfo to make multiple instances of Kamailio be aware of registered users on the network. I'm experimenting with pua_reginfo with Kamailio 3.2.2. I've used the configuration as described in http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/3.2.x/modules_k/pua_reginfo.html#id2551427 I tried an trial run of the Kamailio instance and it gives the following output
PUBLISH sip:@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb62c.b8e3d5b5.0 To: sip:@ From: sip:@;tag=533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed-e085 CSeq: 10 PUBLISH Call-ID: 17dedfff-14418@ Content-Length: 320 Max-Forwards: 70 Event: reg Expires: 3601 Content-Type: application/reginfo+xml
<reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="0" state="full"> <registration aor="sip:@" id="0xb6ef7740" state="active"> <contact id="0xb4d1f820" state="active" event="registered" expires="60" callid="ZmRjZDg3MmIxMjI5NmU1OWU0YjJlYWUzYzhjZDViM2I." cseq="2"> <uri>sip:ggatla01@;rinstance=27b18eed9568795e;transport=udp</uri> </contact> </registration> </reginfo>
The PUA module does not insert username in the Request, To and From headers while publishing for Event: reg. The xml payload is right but the "aor" does not have the username. Is there anything missing that I need to configure?
Lastly, the presence module in the same Kamailio instance is generating "478 Unresolvable destination" for this message.
Regards Gnaneshwar Gatla | InTouch Health | Software Developer 6330 Hollister Ave. Goleta CA, 93117 | P: 805.562.8686 ext: 199