On Saturday 26 April 2008, Peter P GMX wrote:
I have done a project for a SIP provider who is rapidly growing. Designed as a SBC for about 50.000 subscribers at first, I setup a system with a high availability cluster (HA/DRBD) on 2 servers which had one single database on the DRBD volume. Failover works like a charm with only very limited downtime. Now we have to consider to scale the system to about 2-5 Mio subs, so I have to challenge with some things I cannot oversee at the moment.
Hi Peter,
there of course many possibilities for the setup of such a installation.. :-)
My question is: How do you deal with big installations?
- how do you load balance the openser? Is it advisable put put some
dedicated SIP hardware in front for load balancing? Or is the dispatcher module on a seperate machine sufficiant (again HA-issue)?
You could use some dedicated load-balancer with carrierroute (or dispatcher) in front of your proxies and registrars. Its not sufficient to use just one machine, because of high-availability.
- we have a portion of calls who have to go through mediaproxy (How do
you load balance this?)
If you could detect the portion of calls on your balancer, then just balance them to some proxy with a dedicated mediaproxy box.
- Do you face database issues? We think about setting up a database on 2
seperate servers. Is MySQL ok for this or do you use other DBMS?
- Form your exoperience: Are there other things I have to consider?
Some people uses mysql cluster, we use a proprietary DB layer for data partitioning and failover. For this number of subscribers i suggest to go with more then two database boxes, because of high-availability and load issues.
I think that you either should invest quite a lot of time into creating a proper testing environment and some qualitity assurence processes, or just hire someone who has build such a system before. Its not possible to give you an easy recipe for such a setup.