Hi List
I want to be able to parallel branch a call to multiple registered locations / multiple different AOR. So using the registrar lookup() function can not be used.
I loop through all required AOR with reg_fetch_contacts, those could be registered via a proxy and therefore require to use Path:
$ulc(aor=>path) in this case, contains the path to that destination.
On all 'additional' branches added with append_branch() I can set the path using $branch(path).
But i struggle with the main aka first branch on which I directly set:
* $ru * $fs * $du
From the documentation, if I would use the registrar lookup() function, then $du would correctly be set respecting the path for all contacts on an AOR.
But who do I build $du manually with what I find in $ulc(aor=>path) when not using lookup()?