Yes, indeed, there was a problem with force_rtp_proxy(). I've just committed a fix (1.38). The problem was that you were trying to use results of one call to ip_addr2a() after another call to that function. Since ip_addr2a() returns pointer to a static internal buffer, it was leading to incorrect results.
Jan Janak wrote:
What change do you mean ? I reviewed and commited some changes on behalf of Tristan, so please blame me (and provide me with more details if possible) :-).
Could you make sure that the version before my commit works ?
On 30-01 11:14, Andres wrote:
I have now tested multiple versions of nathelper from January. The problem appears after the changes made by Tristan Colgate on 2004-01-16. Nathelper/rtpproxy works fine on the version from 2004-01-15.
Can you take a look at this Tristan? Maxim?
-- Andres Network Admin
Andres wrote:
Hi Maxim,
I am in the process of testing this new version in our lab with 0.8.13. We have been using the older versions with great success for many months now. But the new version does not work. We are testing with Grandstream and Sipura units. When a Sipura calls another Sipura, the nathelper/rtpproxy fails to insert the proper "Connection Information (c)" in the SDP. Instead of filling in the IP Address of the RTPProxy it just leaves the same address and adds these four characters "\000" to the end which seem to make the other Sipura unhappy because it terminates the call right away with a "488- Not Acceptable" Message.
When a Grandstream is making the call, the same thing happens, with the exception of the four characters. (IP Address in Connection Information (c) is not updated)
The Ports do seem to get changed appropiately by the nathelper/rtpproxy in both cases. But since the IP is not substituted there is no chance of audio being setup properly.
I can send the Ethereal traces if you want.
Let me know what we can do to fix this issue.
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