I'm so closer to complete the basic b2bua but i need last clarification about the CANCEL.
The specification of servlet API said:
Receiving CANCEL When a CANCEL is received for a request which has been passed to an application, and the appli- cation has not responded yet or proxied the original request, the container responds to the original request with a 487 (Request Terminated) and to the CANCEL with a 200 OK final response, and it notifies the application by passing it a SipServletRequest object representing the CANCEL request. The application should not attempt to respond to a request after receiving a CANCEL for it. Neither should it respond to the CANCEL notification. Clearly, there is a race condition between the container generating the 487 response and the SIP servlet generating its own response. This should be handled using standard Java mechanisms for resolving race conditions. If the application wins, it will not be notified that a CANCEL request was received. If the container wins and the servlet tries to send a response before (or for that matter after) being notified of the CANCEL, the container throws an IllegalStateException.
I should not override the method onCancel? it's not clear to me what to do.
anyway the CANCEL didn't go to the other 'leg'.
On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 16:36 +0100, tele wrote:
I've solve my stupid problem.
The problem was in my change of Call-ID that i need for my requirements. In the code with problem i did the custom change after create the new Request.
SipServletRequest downstreamReq =
//Retrieve SipApplicationSession and SipSessions SipApplicationSession sas =
// change call-id String oldcid = downstreamReq.getCallId(); downstreamReq.removeHeader("Call-ID"); downstreamReq.addHeader("Call-ID","1111" + oldcid);
do my change before create the downstreamReq solve my problem.
On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 22:50 +0100, tele wrote:
Hi gines,
You have been very clear! now i've understand the "dialog marking" but i cannot get my b2bua test working. i'll add more debug to see why the BYE generated is incorrect in case of hangup from the caller.
hem... another question: how can i get the Logger reference of the Servlet for adding more debug? or i need to create a new logger with log4j and write log to a new file.
anyway attached there is the full source code for now.
thank you very much :)
Ginés Gómez wrote:
Hi ,
I understand. I'll try to explain myself clearer. Let's go back to your original code. This is extracted from the doInvite method. Here you save both call legs in the application session .....
//Save reference to SipSessions in the SipApplication sas.setAttribute("upstreamLeg",upstreamLeg); sas.setAttribute("downstreamLeg",downstreamLeg); .....
what I suggest is that you do the following (after saving in ApplicationSession)
upstreamLeg.setAttribute("COUNTERPART_LEG",downstreamLeg); downstreamLeg.setAttribute("COUNTERPART_LEG",upstreamLeg);
this way, at any time, you can always get a reference to the counterpart dialog doing
then, when receiving the BYE
protected void doBye(SipServletRequest req) throws ServletException,IOException{
//Answer positively request.createResponse(200,"Have a nice day").send(); //Mark my dialog as finished request.getSession().setAttribute("FINISHED","OK"); //Get the other leg and finish it in case it is not finished //Note how useful is to have in both SipSessions (that is, both
legs) an attribute which refers the //other leg involved in the B2BUA transaction. SipSession counterPartLeg= (SipSession) request.getSession.getAttribute("COUNTERPART_LEG"); if (counterPartLeg.getAttribute("FINISHED")==null){ counterPartLeg.createRequest("BYE").send(); } }
as you'll see what I do is sending BYE to the 'other' leg. I don't care wether I'm processing upstream or downstream because the COUNTERPART_LEG attribute in the SipSession will always return a reference to the counterpart SipSession. Since the processing (answer OK, send BYE the other leg) is simetrical regardless the BYE was received from the upstream or the downstream the method will work
protected void doBye(SipServletRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException { req.createResponse(200,"OK").send(); SipSession downstreamLeg = (SipSession)req.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute("downstreamLeg");
SipServletRequest byeRequest =
downstreamLeg.createRequest("BYE"); byeRequest.send(); }
this works only when the BYE come from called.
maybe i can get the Id of session of the current request arrived in doBye with getId() and do a check for the other id in the upstreamLeg and downstreamLeg then if equals to any of this, generate the BYE request in the other call-leg.
pseudo code:
String sessionId (SipSession)req.getSession().getId(); SipSession upSession = (SipSession)req.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute("upstreamLeg");
SipSession downSession = (SipSession)req.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute("downstreamLeg");
if (sessionId == upSession.getId()) { // create and send BYE request in the upstreamLeg .... } else { // create and send BYE request in the downstreamLeg .... };
On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 15:27 +0100, Ginés Gómez wrote:
Anyway.... when doing B2BUA you tipically don't need to wait for 200OK to generate BYE response. You can simply send a 200OK to any incoming BYE request (since there is no SDP involved in the BYE handshake) then finish the other leg. The idea would be doing something like this (not 100% real code, some pseudocode here)
protected void doBye(SipServletRequest req) throws ServletException,IOException{
//Answer positively request.createResponse(200,"Have a nice day").send(); //Mark my dialog as finished request.getSession().setAttribute("FINISHED","OK"); //Get the other leg and finish it in case it is not finished //Note how useful is to have in both SipSessions (that is, both
legs) an attribute which refers the //other leg involved in the B2BUA transaction. SipSession counterPartLeg= (SipSession) request.getSession.getAttribute("COUNTERPART_LEG"); if (counterPartLeg.getAttribute("FINISHED")==null){ counterPartLeg.createRequest("BYE").send(); } }
El 05/03/2007, a las 14:36, tele escribió:
Hi Gines!
It's almost clear to me how to do, this what i have done and it works.
now i need last clarification how forward the 200 OK from BYE request, i cannot get it working. for forwarding the 200 ok from the BYE in the doBye request i save downstreamLeg.setAttribute("byereq", req) and then in the doResponse i get the bye request and create the response from it, something like this but i'm wrong.
if (resp.getStatus() == 200 && resp.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase ("BYE")) { SipServletRequest upstreamRequest = (SipServletRequest)upstreamLeg.getAttribute("byereq"); SipServletResponse upstreamResponse = upstreamRequest.createResponse(resp.getStatus(),resp.getReasonPhrase ()); //Copy the content from the downstream response to the upstream response if (resp.getContentType() != null) {
upstreamResponse.setContent(resp.getRawContent(), resp.getContentType()); } upstreamResponse.send(); }
this is what i have done for working ACK.
protected void doAck(SipServletRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException { //Retrieve the upstream request to respond it SipSession downstreamLeg = (SipSession)req.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute ("downstreamLeg"); SipServletResponse downstreamResponse = (SipServletResponse) downstreamLeg.getAttribute("200ok"); SipServletRequest ackRequest = downstreamResponse.createAck(); //Copy the content from the downstream response to the upstream response if (req.getContentType() != null) { ackRequest.setContent(req.getRawContent(), req.getContentType()); } ackRequest.send(); }
protected void doBye(SipServletRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException { SipSession downstreamLeg = (SipSession)req.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute ("downstreamLeg"); SipServletRequest byeRequest = downstreamLeg.createRequest("BYE"); // Copy the content from the downstream response to the upstream response if (req.getContentType() != null) { byeRequest.setContent(req.getRawContent(), req.getContentType()); } byeRequest.send(); }
protected void doResponse(SipServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
if (resp.getStatus() == 200 &&
resp.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("INVITE")) { SipSession downstreamLeg = (SipSession) resp.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute ("downstreamLeg"); downstreamLeg.setAttribute("200ok",resp); }
//Retrieve the upstream request to respond it SipSession upstreamLeg =
(SipSession)resp.getSession().getApplicationSession().getAttribute ("upstreamLeg");
On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 00:29 +0100, Ginés Gómez wrote: > The problem is that you didn't implement the doACK method. Implement > it following a similar technique as the one used in doResponse. Save > the 200OK response in the downstream session so you can retrieve it > when the ACK arrives from the upstream then generate ACK using > response.createACK() and copy the content using getContentType/ > setContentType geContent/setContent if required > > > Hope it helps > > Gines > >> Attached there is a .zip with all the log, trace and configuration. >> >> thanks for the support, >> >> :tele >> <wesip_test.zip> >> _______________________________________________ >> Users mailing list >> Users@openser.org >> http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users >
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